Unleashing Your Team's Potential

CliftonStrengths Coaching.

At Unlok, we're dedicated to helping single-owner law firms and individual directors in medium-sized firms unlock their teams' true potential. We use the CliftonStrengths approach to identify your team members' unique talents and align them with your firm's strategic goals.

Check out Leander’s CliftonStrengths!

Our Approach

Our CliftonStrengths coaching approach involves deep, thought-provoking conversations with you and your teams. We utilise Gallup's CliftonStrengths talent assessments to identify each team member's unique strengths. Our goal is to help you better understand, appreciate, and harness these talents for greater team engagement, work satisfaction, and loyalty to your firm.

Our Services

Here's what you can expect from our CliftonStrengths coaching services:

  • Detailed talent assessments using the CliftonStrengths approach

  • Personalised coaching sessions to understand and develop your team's unique talents

  • Guidance on aligning team strengths with your customers' needs

  • Strategies to enhance team engagement and loyalty

Our services are designed to help your team unlock their potential and drive your firm towards strategic excellence.

Ready to ‘Unlok’ Your Team's Potential?

Contact us today to learn how our CliftonStrengths coaching services can help your team reach its full potential and drive your firm towards strategic excellence.