Unlocking Ownership: Inspiring Your Team to Drive Business Outcomes

Rethinking Leadership

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with your team members, feeling that they lack ownership of business outcomes? As firm owners or partners, it's crucial to consider how our leadership style might be contributing to this issue. All too often, we implement top-down monitoring systems that cultivate a 'leader-follower' mindset, stifling our managers' sense of ownership and motivation.

The Problem with Top-Down Systems

Leadership expert David Marquet notes how supervisors often lament their employees' 'lack of ownership.' Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the practices in place within their organisations actively undermine attempts to foster ownership. These systems encourage managers to merely avoid errors, rather than proactively driving the firm forward.

Empowering Your Team

We can—and must—do better. Our team members yearn for leadership that inspires them, and permits them to devise innovative solutions to their teams' challenges. In his best-selling book, 'Turn the Ship Around,' Marquet poses several thought-provoking questions to consider:

  • Are you underutilizing the ideas, creativity, and passion of your mid-level managers and team members? Recognise that they may want to take responsibility for their department's work outcomes.

  • How many top-down (people) monitoring systems are in your organisation? Such systems could unintentionally motivate people to merely avoid errors instead of propelling the firm forward.

  • How can you transform these followers into leaders? Inspire them through your example to take ownership of the firm's outcomes.

Unlock Your Team's Potential

At Unlok Consulting, we're committed to helping law firm owners and individual directors in medium-sized firms inspire their managers and transform followers into leaders. We aim to 'unlok' their problem-solving potential, driving business outcomes and pushing your firm towards strategic excellence.

Ready to Inspire Your Team?

If you're ready to inspire your team and cultivate a culture of ownership, we're here to help. Get in touch with us today and let's start unlocking your team's potential.

Source: Marquet, L. David: "Turn the Ship Around"

Hilde Franzsen

Branding and illustration for the ones trying to make a positive difference in the world.


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